Deutsch | Englisch | |||
Sand {m} [min.] [constr.] | sand | |||
Beispiele | Beispiele | |||
1. | bindiger Sand | 1. | heavy sand | |
2. | durchtränkter Sand | 2. | impregnated sand | |
3. | feinster Sand | 3. | finest sand | |
4. | fossilführender mariner Sand | 4. | crag | |
5. | gasführender Sand | 5. | gas-carrying sand | |
6. | gesiebter Sand | 6. | sifted sand | |
7. | goldhaltiger Sand | 7. | auriferous sand | |
8. | grubenfeuchter Sand | 8. | freshly quarried sand | |
9. | gut durchlässiger Sand | 9. | open sand | |
10. | kalkhaltiger Sand | 10. | calcareous sand | |
11. | pyroklastischer Sand | 11. | ashy grit | |
12. | saugender Sand | 12. | thief sand | |
13. | schlammiger Sand | 13. | miry sand | |
14. | schwer durchlässiger Sand | 14. | tight [close] sand | |
15. | tonhaltiger Sand | 15. | clayey sand | |
16. | toniger Sand | 16. | argillaceous sand | |
17. | windtransportierter Sand | 17. | millet-seed sand | |
18. | Sand streuen | 18. | to sand | |
19. | Sand verdichten [techn.] | 19. | to ram | |
20. | etw. mit Sand bestreuen; besanden | 20. | to sand sth. | |
21. | Dachpappe mit Sand bestreuen [techn.] | 21. | to mineralize roofing felt | |
22. | etw. in Sand gießen | 22. | to sand-cast sth. | |
Dünensand {m} [min.] | dune sand; aeolian; sand; anemonarenyte | |||
Beispiele | Beispiele | |||
Flugsand {m} | wind-borne sand; drifting sand; flying sand; drift sand; windblown sand; aeolian sand; quicksand | |||
Beispiele | Beispiele | |||
Pflasterstein {m} [constr.] | paving stone; paving block, paving unit; paving slab [Br.]; paviour [Br.]; paver [Am.] | |||
Beispiele | Beispiele | |||
1. | Pflastersteine {pl} | 1. | paving stones; paving block, paving units; paving slabs; paviours; pavers | |
2. | Großpflasterstein {m} (aus Granit oder Beton) | 2. | large-sized paving stone; Belgian block paver [Am.] (of granite or concrete) | |
3. | Betongroßpflasterstein {m}; Betonstein {m} | 3. | large-sized concrete paving stone; large-sized concrete paving sett [Br.] [Austr.] [NZ]; large-sized concrete pavestone [Am.]; large-sized concrete paver [Am.] | |
4. | Betonpflasterstein {m}; Betonstein {m}; Gehwegplatte {f} aus Beton | 4. | concrete paving stone with exposed crushed basalt; concrete sett with exposed crushed basalt [Br.] [Austr.] [NZ]; concrete paver with exposed crushed basalt [Am.] | |
5. | Betonpflasterstein {m} ohne Verbundwirkung | 5. | standard (non-interlocking) concrete paving block; standard (non-interlocking) concrete paver [Am.] | |
6. | Betonpflasterstein {m} mit Basaltsplittvorsatz; Betonstein {m} mit Basaltsplittvorsatz | 6. | concrete paving stone with exposed crushed basalt; concrete sett with exposed crushed basalt [Br.] [Austr.] [NZ]; concrete paver with exposed crushed basalt [Am.] | |
7. | Betonpflasterstein {m} mit Verschleißvorsatz; Betonschwerlastpflasterstein {m} | 7. | concrete paving stone with hard-wearing surface layer [Br.] [Austr.] [NZ]; concrete paver with protective coating [Am.] | |
8. | Betonpflasterstein ohne Natursteinvorsatz; Betonstein ohne Natursteinvorsatz | 8. | standard concrete paving block without exposed aggregate | |
9. | Betonpflasterstein mit Natursteinvorsatz; Betonstein mit Natursteinvorsatz | 9. | exposed aggregate paving block; exposed aggregate paving unit; paver with exposed aggregate [Am.] | |
10. | eingefärbter Betonpflasterstein; eingefärbter Betonstein; eingefärbte Betonplatte | 10. | coloured paving stone [Br.]; coloured paving block [Br.]; tinted concrete paver [Am.] | |
11. | Granitgroßpflasterstein {m}; Kopfstein {m}; Katzenkopf {m} [ugs.] | 11. | large-sized natural paving stone; large-sized granite sett [Br.] [Austr.] [NZ]; large-sized natural pavestone [Am.]; large-sized cobblestone [Am.]; jumbo cobblestone [Am.] | |
12. | Kleinpflasterstein {m} | 12. | small paving stone; small paving sett [Br.] [Austr.] [NZ]; cube [Br.] [coll.]; small stone paver [Am.] | |
13. | Mosaikpflasterstein {m} | 13. | mosaic paving stone; mosaic paving sett [Br.] [Austr.] [NZ]; mosaic paver [Am.] | |
14. | Naturpflasterstein {m}; Pflasterstein aus Naturstein | 14. | natural stone sett [Br.] [Austr.] [NZ]; random sett [Br.] [Austr.] [NZ]; cobblestone [Am.]; cobble [Am.] | |
15. | Quaderpflasterstein {m}; rechteckiger Pflasterstein {m} (aus Sandstein oder Granit) | 15. | paving set; paving sett [Br.] [Austr.] [NZ] (of sandstone or granite) | |
16. | Verbundpflasterstein {m} (aus Beton); Verbundbetonstein {m} | 16. | interlocking (concrete) paving block; interlocking (concrete) paving unit; interlocking (concrete) paver [Am.] | |
17. | Pflastersteine in Mörtel verlegen; in Mörtel pflastern; in Mörtel pflästern [Schw.] | 17. | to lay setts on mortar [Br.] [Austr.] [NZ]; to lay pavers on mortar [Am.] | |
18. | Pflastersteine in Sand verlegen; in Sand pflastern; in Sand pflästern [Schw.] | 18. | to lay setts on sand [Br.] [Austr.] [NZ]; to lay pavers on sand [Am.] | |
19. | Pflastersteine ins Gefälle verlegen | 19. | to lay setts to falls [Br.] [Austr.] [NZ]; to lay pavers to slope [Am.] | |
Formsand {m}; Gießereisand {m} [techn.] | moulding sand; molding sand; foundry sand | |||
Beispiele | Beispiele | |||
1. | ausgeglühter Formsand | 1. | parting sand | |
Gemisch {n} (von Stoffen) [chem.] [phys.] | mixture (of substances) | |||
Beispiele | Beispiele | |||
1. | Butan-Luft-Gemisch; Butan/Luft-Gemisch | 1. | butane-air mixture; butane/air mixture | |
2. | Sand-Kies-Gemisch; Sand/Kies-Gemisch | 2. | sand-gravel mixture; sand/gravel mixture | |
Kalksandsteinziegel {m} [constr.] | lime sand brick; sand-lime brick | |||
Beispiele | Beispiele | |||
1. | Kalksandsteinziegel {pl} | 1. | lime sand bricks; sand-lime bricks | |
Sandbild {n}; Sandgemälde {n} | sand picture; sand painting | |||
Beispiele | Beispiele | |||
1. | Sandbilder {pl}; Sandgemälde {pl} | 1. | sand pictures; sand paintings | |
Sandgrube {f}; Sandkuhle {f}; Sandstich {m} | sand pit; sand quarry | |||
Beispiele | Beispiele | |||
1. | Sandgruben {pl}; Sandkuhlen {pl}; Sandstiche {pl} | 1. | sand pits; sand quarries | |
Sandschicht {f}; Sandbett {n} (als Untergrund) [techn.] | sand bed; sand coffering; subcrust (as a pavement) | |||
Beispiele | Beispiele | |||
1. | Sandschichten {pl}; Sandbetten {pl} | 1. | sand beds; sand cofferings; subcrusts | |