| Rechtsanwalt {m} /RA/; Rechtsanwältin {f}; Anwalt {m}; Anwältin {f}; Advokat {m} [pej.]; Rechtsberater {m} [jur.] | | | lawyer; counsel; advocate [Sc.]; attorney (at law) /att./ /atty/ [Am.]; counselor [Am.] |
| Beispiele | | | Beispiele |
1. | Rechtsanwälte {pl}; Rechtsanwältinnen {pl}; Anwälte {pl}; Anwältinnen {pl}; Advokaten {pl}; Rechtsberater {pl} | | 1. | lawyers; counsels; advocates; attorney /atty/s; counselors |
2. | Arbeitsrechtler {m} | | 2. | labour lawyer [Br.]; labor lawyer [Am.] |
3. | beaufsichtigender Anwalt | | 3. | controlling counsel |
4. | Patentanwalt {m} | | 4. | patent lawyer; patent agent [Br.]; patent attorney [Am.] |
5. | Steueranwalt {m} | | 5. | tax lawyer; specialist counsel for tax law; tax attorney [Am.] |
6. | Anwalt für Wohnungsrecht | | 6. | housing law lawyer |
7. | sich einen Anwalt nehmen | | 7. | to get a lawyer/an attorney |
8. | Anwalt der Gegenpartei | | 8. | opposing counsel |
9. | Anwalt der britischen Krone | | 9. | crown counsel |
| Staatsanwalt {m}; Staatsanwältin {f} [jur.] | | | Public Prosecutor; Crown Prosecutor [Br.] [Austr.]; District Attorney [Am.] /DA/; State / State's Attorney; County Attorney; County Prosecutor; Prosecuting Attorney; Solicitor [Am.] |
| Beispiele | | | Beispiele |
1. | Staatsanwälte {pl}; Staatsanwältinnen {pl} | | 1. | Public Prosecutors; Crown Prosecutors; District Attorneys; State / State's Attorneys; County Attorneys; County Prosecutors; Prosecuting Attorneys; Solicitors |
2. | Oberstaatsanwalt {m} | | 2. | senior prosecutor |
3. | stellvertretender Staatsanwalt | | 3. | Assistant State's Attorney [Am.] |
4. | Der Staatsanwalt hat Anklage wegen Mordes gegen ihn erhoben. | | 4. | The public prosecutor brought a charge of murder against him. |
| Vollmacht {f} [jur.] | | | power of attorney |
| Beispiele | | | Beispiele |
1. | befristete Vollmacht | | 1. | temporary power of attorney |
2. | beschränkte Vollmacht | | 2. | limited power of attorney |
3. | Dauervollmacht {f} | | 3. | permanent power of attorney |
4. | Einzelvollmacht {f}; Sondervollmacht {f} | | 4. | special power of attorney |
5. | Gattungsvollmacht {f}; Artvollmacht {f} | | 5. | power of attorney limited to a specific class of transactions |
6. | Generalvollmacht {f} | | 6. | general power of attorney; full power of attorney |
7. | Gesamtvollmacht {f} | | 7. | joint power of attorney |
8. | Sammelvollmacht {f} | | 8. | collective power of attorney |
9. | Vollmacht, die auch bei Entscheidungsunfähigkeit des Vollmachtgebers gilt | | 9. | enduring power of attorney; durable power of attorney [Am.]; power of attorney with durable provisions [Am.] |
10. | Sondervollmacht für den Fall der Entscheidungsunfähigkeit des Vollmachtgebers | | 10. | springing power of attorney [Am.] |
11. | Untervollmacht | | 11. | substitute power of attorney |
12. | widerrufliche/unwiderrufliche Vollmacht | | 12. | revocable/irrevocable power of attorney |
13. | nach Erlöschen der Vollmacht | | 13. | after the expiration of the power of attorney |
14. | Umfang einer Vollmacht | | 14. | extent/scope of a power of attorney |
15. | Vorlegen einer Vollmacht | | 15. | presentation of a power of attorney |
16. | Widerruf der Vollmacht | | 16. | revocation of the power of attorney |
17. | Zurückziehen der Vollmacht | | 17. | withdrawal of the power of attorney |
18. | eine Vollmacht ausstellen | | 18. | to execute a power of attorney |
19. | jdm. eine Vollmacht erteilen | | 19. | to give sb. power of attorney; to grant sb. power of attorney |
20. | eine Vollmacht haben; über eine Vollmacht verfügen | | 20. | to hold a power of attorney |
21. | eine Vollmacht vorlegen | | 21. | to present a power of attorney |
22. | die Vollmacht widerrufen | | 22. | to revoke the power of attorney |
23. | die Vollmacht zurückziehen | | 23. | to cancel/withdraw the power of attorney |
24. | Die Vollmacht erlischt mit dem Tode des Vollmachtgebers. | | 24. | The power of attorney shall become extinct at the moment of death of the empowering person. |