![]() | ![]() | |||
Kamera {f} (für bewegte Bilder) | camera; cam (for moving images) | |||
Beispiele | Beispiele | |||
1. | Kameras {pl} | 1. | cameras; cams | |
2. | Fernsehkamera {f} | 2. | television camera; TV camera; tele-camera | |
3. | Fernsehkamera für Wärmebildaufnahmen | 3. | thermographic TV camera | |
4. | Infrarotkamera {f}; Wärmebildkamera {f}; Wärmebildgerät {n} [mil.]; Thermografiekamera {f} | 4. | infrared camera; thermal imaging camera; thermographic camera; forward-looking infrared /FLIR/ [mil.] | |
5. | Lochkamera {f} | 5. | pinhole camera | |
6. | Messbildkamera {f} (Vermessungswesen) | 6. | mapping camera; photogrammetric camera (surveying) | |
7. | Restlichtkamera {f} | 7. | low-light-level camera | |
8. | Restlichtfernsehkamera {f} | 8. | low-light TV camera | |
9. | Tiefenkamera {f} | 9. | depth-sensing camera; depth camera | |
10. | Videokamera {f} | 10. | video camera | |
11. | versteckte Kamera | 11. | hidden camera | |
12. | Kameradrohne {f} | 12. | drone camera | |
13. | die versteckte Kamera (Fernsehformat) | 13. | the candid camera (television format) | |
Fotoapparat {m}; Photoapparat {m}; Kamera {f}; Fotokamera {f} [ugs.] [photo.] | still camera; photocamera; camera | |||
Beispiele | Beispiele | |||
1. | Fotoapparate {pl}; Photoapparate {pl}; Kameras {pl}; Fotokameras {pl} | 1. | still cameras; photocameras; cameras | |
2. | Allwetterkamera {f} | 2. | all-weather camera; weatherized camera [Am.] | |
3. | Digitalkamera {f} | 3. | digital camera; digicam | |
4. | Sucherkamera {f} | 4. | viewfinder camera | |
5. | Tierbeobachtungskamera {f}; Wildkamera {f}; Fotofalle {f} | 5. | game camera, game cam; trail camera, trail cam; camera trap | |
Kameraassistent {m} (Film, TV) | assistant cameraman; assistant camera; camera assistant; camera operator; cam operator (film, TV) | |||
Beispiele | Beispiele | |||
1. | Kameraassistenten {pl} | 1. | assistant cameramen; assistance cameras; camera assistants; camera operators; cam operators | |
2. | erster Kameraassistent | 2. | first assistant cameraman; first assistant camera; focus puller | |
3. | zweiter Kamerassistent | 3. | second assistant cameraman; second assistant camera; clapper loader | |
4. | Assistent für Kameradrohnen | 4. | drone camera operator | |
Filmkamera {f} | cine camera | |||
Beispiele | Beispiele | |||
1. | Filmkameras {pl} | 1. | cine cameras | |
2. | Kamera ab! – Kamera läuft!; Läuft! (Kommando und Antwort bei Dreharbeiten) | 2. | Roll camera!; Roll it! – Camera Rolling!; Rolling! (command and answer on a film set) | |
3. | Kamera bereit? – Kamera bereit!; Bereit! (Kommando und Antwort bei Dreharbeiten) | 3. | Camera ready?; Camera set? – Camera's ready!; Camera's set!; Set! (command and answer on a film set) | |
Kameramann {m} | (Film, TV) cameraman; camera operator; cinematographer (film, TV) | |||
Beispiele | Beispiele | |||
1. | Kameramänner {pl} | 1. | cameramen; camera operators; cinematographers | |
2. | Kamerafrau {f} | 2. | (female) camera operator; (female) cinematographer | |
3. | Chefkameramann {m}; erster Kameramann; bildgestaltender Kameramann | 3. | lighting cameraman; director of photography /DOP/ | |
4. | Chefkameramann im zweiten Aufnahmeteam | 4. | second unit director of photography; 2nd unit DOP | |
5. | Kameramann für elektronische Berichterstattung; EB Kameramann | 5. | electronic news-gathering cameraman; ENG cameraman; ENG camera operator | |
Mobiltelefon {n}; Funktelefon {n}; Handy {n} [telco.] <Funkfernsprecher> | mobile phone [Br.]; mobile; cellular phone [Am.]; cell phone [Am.]; cellphone [Am.]; handphone [SE Asia] | |||
Beispiele | Beispiele | |||
1. | Mobiltelefone {pl}; Funktelefone {pl}; Handys {pl} | 1. | mobile phones; mobiles; cellular phones; cell phones; cellphones; handphones | |
2. | Fotohandy {n} | 2. | camera phone; camera mobile phone [Br.]; photo mobile [Br.]; camera cell phone [Am.]; photo cellphone [Am.]; cellphone camera [Am.] | |
3. | Wegwerfhandy {n} | 3. | throwaway phone; burn phone [coll.]; burner phone [coll.] | |
4. | mit dem Handy anrufen; mobil telefonieren | 4. | to cell phone | |
5. | Handytelefonierer {pl} am Steuer | 5. | motorists who use mobile phones while driving | |
6. | multimediales Handy | 6. | multimedia handheld telephone | |
Luftbildkamera {f} | aerial camera; air survey camera; air camera | |||
Beispiele | Beispiele | |||
1. | Luftbildkameras {pl} | 1. | aerial cameras; air survey cameras; air cameras | |
Spiegelreflexkamera {f}; SR-Kamera {f} [photo.] | reflex camera; single lens reflex camera; SLR camera | |||
Beispiele | Beispiele | |||
1. | Spiegelreflexkameras {pl} | 1. | reflex cameras; single lens reflex cameras; SLR cameras | |
Kleinbildkamera {f} | miniature camera; 35 mm camera; 35-mm camera | |||
Beispiele | Beispiele | |||
Blitzlicht {n}; Blitz {m} (aus einem Blitzlichtgerät) [photo.] | camera flash; photoflash (flash of light from a flashgun) | |||
Beispiele | Beispiele | |||
1. | im Blitzlichtgewitter | 1. | in a/amid a flurry of camera flashes; amidst a flurry of flashbulbs | |