| Zelle {f} [biol.] | | | cell |
| Beispiele | | | Beispiele |
1. | Zellen {pl} | | 1. | cells |
2. | Adventitialzelle {f}; Rouget'sche Zelle; Perizyt {m} | | 2. | adventitial cell; Rouget's cell; pericyte |
3. | Alphazelle {f} | | 3. | alpha cell |
4. | Alzheimer'sche Zelle | | 4. | Alzheimer cell |
5. | amöboide Zelle | | 5. | amaeboid cell |
6. | Anitschkow'sche Zelle | | 6. | caterpillar cell; Anichkov cell |
7. | argentaffine Zelle | | 7. | argentaffine cell |
8. | Assoziationszelle {f}; Amakrinzelle {f}; amakrine Zelle {f} | | 8. | association cell; amacrine cell; brachine cell; shortine cell |
9. | Balgzelle {f}; tormogene Zelle | | 9. | socket-forming cell; tormogen cell |
10. | begeißelte Zelle | | 10. | flagellate cell |
11. | Belegzelle {f}; Parietalzelle {f}; salzsäureproduzierende Zelle; säureproduzierende Zelle | | 11. | acid cell; parietal cell; oxyphilic cell; oxyntic cell |
12. | Cajal'sche Zelle | | 12. | Cajal's cell |
13. | enterochromaffine Zelle | | 13. | enterochromaffin cell |
14. | fettig degenerierte Zelle | | 14. | bloated cell |
15. | fettverzehrende Zelle | | 15. | lipophage |
16. | gelb pigmentierte Zelle | | 16. | xanthocyte |
17. | Geleitzelle {f} | | 17. | companion cell; satellite cell |
18. | Hansen'sche Zelle | | 18. | cell of Hansen |
19. | Hortega'sche Zelle | | 19. | Hortega cell |
20. | hyperchromatische Zelle | | 20. | hyperchromatic cell |
21. | immunokompetente Zelle | | 21. | immunocompetent cell |
22. | Immunzelle {f}; immunologisch kompetente Zelle; Immunozyt {m} | | 22. | immune cell; immunologically competent cell; immunocyte |
23. | jugendliche Zelle | | 23. | juvenile cell |
24. | keratinproduzierende Zelle | | 24. | keratinocyte |
25. | kernlose Zelle; Zelle ohne Kern | | 25. | cells without a nucleus; non-nucleated cell; akaryote cell; akaryote; akaryocyte |
26. | kleine Zelle | | 26. | small cell |
27. | Knochenbildungszelle {f}; osteogene Zelle | | 27. | osteogenic cell |
28. | Knochenmarkzelle {f}; myeloische Zelle | | 28. | myeloid cell |
29. | Körperzelle {f}; somatische Zelle | | 29. | body cell; somatic cell |
30. | Mott'sche Zelle | | 30. | morular cell of Mott |
31. | pigmentierte Zelle | | 31. | pigmented cell |
32. | pigmenttragende Zelle | | 32. | pigmentophore |
33. | Pigmentzelle {f}; pigmentbildende Zelle; melaninbildende Zelle; Melanozyt {m} | | 33. | pigment cell; chromatophore; naevus cell; melanocyte; melanoblast |
34. | Pflanzenzelle {f} | | 34. | plant cell |
35. | Produzentenzelle {f} | | 35. | producer cell |
36. | Purkinje'sche Zelle | | 36. | Purkinje cell |
37. | Reed-Sternberg'sche Zelle | | 37. | Reed-Sternberg cell |
38. | Retikulumzelle {f}; Retikuloendothelzelle {f}; retikuloendotheliale Zelle | | 38. | reticuloendothelial cell |
39. | schleimig-seröse Zelle; mukoseröse Zelle; seromuköse Zelle | | 39. | mucoserous cell |
40. | Sertoli'sche Zelle | | 40. | Sertoli cell |
41. | tierische Zelle | | 41. | animal cell |
42. | Verbraucherzelle {f} | | 42. | consumer cell |
43. | wasserhelle Zelle | | 43. | water-clear cell |
44. | Zelle mit vielgestaltigem Kern; polymorphkernige Zelle; Polymorphozyt {m} | | 44. | polymophonuclear cell; polymorphocyte |
| Mobilfunknetz {n} [telco.] | | | mobile network; mobile phone system [Br.]; cell phone network [Am.]; cell phone system [Am.]; cellular network [Am.] [coll.] |
| Beispiele | | | Beispiele |
1. | Mobilfunknetze {pl} | | 1. | mobile networks; mobile phone systems; cell phone networks; cell phone systems; cellular networks |
2. | öffentliches terrestrisches Mobilfunknetz | | 2. | public land mobile network /PLMN/ |
3. | öffentliches satellitengestützes Mobilfunknetz | | 3. | public satellite mobile network /PSMN/ |
4. | Mobilfunknetz der dritten Generation | | 4. | third-generation mobile network; 3G mobile network |
5. | Mobilfunknetz der fünften Generation | | 5. | fifth-generation mobile network; 5G mobile network |
| Mobiltelefon {n}; Funktelefon {n}; Handy {n} [telco.] <Funkfernsprecher> | | | mobile phone [Br.]; mobile; cellular phone [Am.]; cell phone [Am.]; cellphone [Am.]; handphone [SE Asia] |
| Beispiele | | | Beispiele |
1. | Mobiltelefone {pl}; Funktelefone {pl}; Handys {pl} | | 1. | mobile phones; mobiles; cellular phones; cell phones; cellphones; handphones |
2. | Fotohandy {n} | | 2. | camera phone; camera mobile phone [Br.]; photo mobile [Br.]; camera cell phone [Am.]; photo cellphone [Am.]; cellphone camera [Am.] |
3. | Wegwerfhandy {n} | | 3. | throwaway phone; burn phone [coll.]; burner phone [coll.] |
4. | mit dem Handy anrufen; mobil telefonieren | | 4. | to cell phone |
5. | Handytelefonierer {pl} am Steuer | | 5. | motorists who use mobile phones while driving |
6. | multimediales Handy | | 6. | multimedia handheld telephone |