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finanziell {adj} | financial | |||
Beispiele | Beispiele | |||
1. | finanzieller Erfolg | 1. | financial success | |
2. | finanzielle Schwierigkeiten | 2. | financial difficulties | |
3. | aus finanztechnischen Gründen | 3. | for financial reasons | |
Finanz… | finance; financial | |||
Beispiele | Beispiele | |||
finanztechnisch; finanziell {adj} | financial; fiscal | |||
Beispiele | Beispiele | |||
Finanzgeschäft {n} [fin.] | financial transaction; financial operation | |||
Beispiele | Beispiele | |||
1. | Finanzgeschäfte {pl} | 1. | financial transactions; financial operations | |
derivatives Finanzinstrument {n}; Finanzderivat {n}; Derivat {n} [fin.] | derivative financial instrument; derivative instrument; financial derivative; derivative | |||
Beispiele | Beispiele | |||
1. | derivative Finanzinstrumente {pl}; Finanzderivate {pl}; Derivate {pl} | 1. | derivative financial instruments; derivative instruments; financial derivatives; derivatives | |
2. | Kreditderivat {n} | 2. | credit derivative | |
3. | Zinsderivat {n} | 3. | interest rate derivative /IRD/; interest derivative | |
Finanzmechanismus {m}; Finanzverfahren {n} [adm.] | financial mechanism; financial procedure | |||
Beispiele | Beispiele | |||
1. | Finanzmechanismen {pl}; Finanzverfahren {pl} | 1. | financial mechanisms; financial procedures | |
Finanzunternehmen {n}; Finanzgesellschaft {f} [econ.] | financial company; finance company; financial institution | |||
Beispiele | Beispiele | |||
1. | Finanzunternehmen {pl}; Finanzgesellschaften {pl} | 1. | financial companies; finance companies; financial institutions | |
Kapitalkraft; Finanzkraft {f} [econ.] | financial capacity; financial strength; financial power | |||
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1. | die (nötige) Finanzkraft haben, um etw. zu tun | 1. | to have the financial capacity to do sth. | |
Finanzierungsplan {m}; Finanzplan {m} | financing plan; financial plan; finance plan; financial scheme; financial budget | |||
Beispiele | Beispiele | |||
1. | Finanzierungspläne {pl}; Finanzpläne {pl} | 1. | financing plans; financial plans; finance plans; financial schemes; financial budgets | |
2. | einen Finanzierungsplan erstellen | 2. | to set up a financial plan | |
Finanzhilfe {f} [fin.] | financial aid; financial support; financial assistance; financial contribution | |||
Beispiele | Beispiele | |||