gas Übersetzen - Deutsch Englisch Wörterbuch

Gas {n} [phys.]gas
1. Gase {pl}1. gases; gasses
2. brennbares Gas; Brenngas {n}2. burnable gas
3. trockenes Gas; abgestreiftes Gas3. stripped gas
4. auf Gas kochen4. to cook by gas
Gaspedal {n}; Gas {n} [ugs.] [auto]accelerator pedal; accelerator; gas pedal [Am.]; gas [Am.] [coll.]
1. Gaspedale {pl}1. accelerator pedals; accelerators; gas pedals
2. aufs Gas steigen2. to step on the gas [Am.]
Benzin {n}; Motorenbenzin {m}; Sprit {m} [ugs.] <Motorbenzin>petrol [Br.]; gasoline [Am.]; gas [Am.]
1. mercaptanfreies Benzin1. sweet gasoline
2. Katalytbenzin {n}2. catalytic petrol [Br.]; catalytic gasoline [Am.]
3. Normalbenzin {n}3. low-octane petrol/gasoline/gas
4. Superbenzin {n}4. four-star petrol [Br.]; premium (grade) gas [Am.]; premium [Am.] [coll.]
5. Benzin schluckend [ugs.]5. gas-guzzling
Gasausbruch {m} [geol.]gas eruption; gas blow-out; blast of gas; outburst of gas
1. Gasausbrüche {pl}1. gas eruptions; gas blow-outs; blasts of gas; outbursts of gas
Gaseintrittsstutzen {m} [mach.]gas inlet branch; gas inlet connection; gas inlet nozzle
1. Gaseintrittsstutzen {pl}1. gas inlet branches; gas inlet connections; gas inlet nozzles
Gasherd {m}gas stove; gas cooker [Br.]; gas range [Am.]
1. Gasherde {pl}1. gas stoves; gas cookers; gas ranges
Gashohlraum {m}; Gasblase {f}; Galle {f} (Gussfehler in der Gießerei) [techn.]blowhole; gas hole; gas pocket; gas cavity (casting defect in the foundry)
1. Gashohlräume {pl}; Gasblasen {pl}; Gen {pl}1. blowholes; gas holes; gas pockets; gas cavities
Gas-Kombiwasserheizer {m}; Kombikessel {m}; Kombitherme {f}; Gas-Kombitherme {f}; Gastherme {f}; Therme {f} [ugs.] [Ös.]gas combination boiler; combination boiler; combi [coll.]
1. Gas-Kombiwasserheizer {pl}; Kombikessel {pl}; Kombithermen {pl}; Gas-Kombithermen {pl}; Gasthermen {pl}; Thermen {pl}1. gas combination boilers; combination boilers; combis
Gasleitung {f}gas line; gas conduit
1. Gasleitungen {pl}1. gas lines; gas conduits
2. Heißgasleitung {f}2. hot gas line
3. Gasleitung für Treibgas3. gas fuel line
tanken [auto]; auftanken [aviat.] [naut.] {vi}to get fuel/petrol/gas/diesel; to put fuel in; to fuel up; to gas up [Am.]; to refuel (lorry, plane, ship); to take on fuel [aviat.] [naut.]
1. tankend; auftankend1. getting fuel/petrol/gas/diesel; putting fuel in; fueling up; gasing up; refueling; taking on fuel
2. getankt; aufgetankt2. got fuel/petrol/gas/diesel; put fuel in; fueled up; gased up; refueled; taked on fuel
3. Hast Du getankt?3. Have you put petrol/gas/diesel in? / Have you filled [Br.] / tanked [Am.] up?
4. Ich muss noch tanken.4. I still have to get some petrol/gas/diesel.
5. Wir müssen unbedingt tanken.5. We really need fuel/petrol/gas/diesel.
6. Wir sollten in der nächsten Stadt tanken.6. We'd better fuel up at the next town.
7. Der Bus hielt an, um zu tanken.7. The bus stopped for fuel/petrol/gas/diesel.
8. Wir machten in Agram eine Zwischenlandung, um aufzutanken.8. We stopped over in Zagreb to take on fuel.
9. Wo kann man hier tanken?9. Where can we get petrol/gas/diesel (a)round here?
10. Dort kann man billig tanken.10. You can get cheap petrol/gas/diesel there.