human Übersetzen - Deutsch Englisch Wörterbuch

menschlich; mitmenschlich {adj}human
1. menschlicher1. more human
2. am menschlichsten2. most human
3. menschliches Versagen3. human error
4. das menschliche Geschlecht; das Menschengeschlecht4. the human race
5. Ich bin auch nur ein Mensch.5. After all, I'm only human.
Mensch {m} (als Kategorie); Homo sapiens [geh.]human being; human; member of the human race; homo sapiens
1. die Menschen {pl}1. humans
menschenwürdig {adj}human; fit for human beings; worthy of a human being
human {adj}humane
1. humaner1. more humane
2. am humansten2. most humane
3. jdn. human behandeln3. to treat sb. with humanity
human {adv}humanely
Virus {n}; Virus {m} [ugs.] [med.]virus
1. Viren {pl}1. viruses
2. abgeschwächtes Virus2. attenuated virus
3. adeno-assoziiertes Virus3. adeno-associated virus
4. amphotropes Virus4. amphotropic virus
5. aviäres Virus; Virus, das bei Vögeln auftritt5. avian virus
6. bakterienpathogenes Virus6. bacterial virus
7. Croup-assoziiertes Virus7. croup-associated virus
8. dermatotropes Virus; dermotropes Virus8. dermotropic virus
9. DNS-Viren9. DNA viruses
10. Epstein-Barr-Virus10. Epstein-Barr virus; EB virus /EBV/
11. humanpathogene Viren11. human pathogenic viruses
12. humanes Cytomegalie-Virus12. human cytomegaly virus /HCMV/
13. humane Papillomviren/Papillomaviren /HPV/13. human papillomaviruses /HPV/
14. Impfvirus {n}14. vaccination virus
15. karyotropes Virus15. karyotropic virus
16. krebsauslösendes Virus; onkogenes Virus16. cancer-producing virus; oncogenic virus
17. langsames Virus17. slow virus
18. mesogenes Virus18. mesogenic virus
19. neurotropes Virus19. neurotropic virus
20. nicht filtrierbares Virus20. filter-passing virus; non-filterable virus; non-filtrable virus
21. respiratorisches Synzytial-Virus; RS-Virus21. respiratory syncitial virus
22. Retrovirus {n}22. retrovirus
23. synzytiales Virus23. syncytial virus
24. tierisches Virus24. animal virus
25. Varizella-Zoster-Virus {n}25. varicella zoster virus
26. Wildvirus {n}26. wild virus; live virus
etw. humanisieren; etw. human machen {vt}to humanize [eAm.]; to humanise [Br.] sth.
1. humanisierend; human machend1. humanizing; humanising
2. humanisiert; human gemacht2. humanized; humanised
Immunglobulin {n}; Gammaglobulin {n} [biochem.]immune globulin; immunoglobulin /IG/; gamma globulin
1. Immunglobulin A1. immunoglobulin A /Ig A/; gamma-A globulin
2. Immunglobulin D2. immunoglobulin D /Ig D/; gamma-D globulin
3. Humangammaglobulin {n}; Humanglobulin {n}3. human immune serumglobulin; human serum globulin; human globulin
4. Masernimmunglobulin {n}4. measles immune globulin
Arbeitsaufwand {m}expenditure of human labour; expenditure of human labor [Am.]
(menschlicher) Geist {m}; Kopf {m}; Gehirn {n} [ugs.](human) mind; (human) spirit
1. Körper und Geist1. body and mind; body and spirit
2. vor seinem geistigen Auge2. in your mind's eye
3. etw. für seine Bildung tun; sich weiterbilden3. to improve your mind
4. Was geht in den Köpfen/Gehirnen der Wähler vor?4. What goes on in the minds of voters?