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Spielfilm {m}; Film {m} (TV; Kino; DVD) | feature film; film [Br.]; movie [Am.] | |||
Beispiele | Beispiele | |||
1. | Spielfilme {pl}; Filme {pl} | 1. | feature films; films; movies | |
2. | abendfüllender Film | 2. | full-length film | |
3. | düsterer Film | 3. | film noir | |
4. | Experimentalfilm {m} | 4. | experimental film; experimental movie | |
5. | Jugendfilm {m} | 5. | youth film; youth movie; teen movie | |
6. | Propagandafilm {m} | 6. | propaganda film; propaganda movie | |
7. | Tierfilm {m} | 7. | animal film; animal movie | |
8. | Film einer unabhängigen Produktionsfirma | 8. | indie flick [coll.] | |
9. | Film mit kleinem Produktionsbudget | 9. | low-budget film | |
10. | Filme auf Abruf (kostenpflichtes Service) | 10. | video on demand (pay service) | |
Heimkinoanlage {f} (Audio, Video) | home cinema system [Br.]; home cinema unit [Br.]; home movie system [Am.]; home movie unit [Am.] (audio, video) | |||
Beispiele | Beispiele | |||
1. | Heimkinoanlagen {pl} | 1. | home cinema systems; home cinema units; home movie systems; home movie units | |
Kino {n}; Lichtspielhaus {n} [veraltet]; Lichtspieltheater {n} [veraltet]; Filmtheater {n} [veraltet]; Filmbühne {f} [veraltet]; Cinéma {n} [Schw.] [veraltet] | cinema [Br.]; movies; motion-picture theatre [Br.]; motion-picture theater [Am.]; movie theater [Am.]; bioscope [South Africa] [dated] | |||
Beispiele | Beispiele | |||
1. | Kinos {pl}; Lichtspielhäuser {pl}; Lichtspieltheater {pl}; Filmtheater {pl}; Filmbühnen {pl}; Cinémas {pl} | 1. | cinemas; motion-picture theaters; motion-picture theaters; movie theaters; bioscopes | |
2. | Filmkunstkino {n}; Programmkino {n} | 2. | art-house cinema; repertory cinema | |
3. | ins Kino gehen | 3. | to go to the cinema [Br.]/movie theatre [Am.]; to go the flicks [Br.] [coll.]/pictures [Br.] [dated]/movies [Am.] | |
4. | Ich bin mit meiner Freundin ins Kino gegangen. | 4. | I took my girl-friend to the flicks/movies. | |
5. | das älteste bespielte Kino des Landes | 5. | the country's oldest cinema [Br.]/movie theater [Am.] which is still used for performances | |
Sexkino {n}; Pornokino {n} | adult movie theater; porn cinema [Br.]; porn movie theater [Am.] | |||
Beispiele | Beispiele | |||
1. | Sexkinos {pl}; Pornokinos {pl} | 1. | adult movie theaters; porn cinemas; porn movie theaters | |
etw. verfilmen {vt} | to film sth.; to make a film [Br.]/movie [Am.] of sth.; to make/turn sth. into a film [Br.]/movie [Am.] | |||
Beispiele | Beispiele | |||
1. | verfilmend | 1. | filming; making a film/movie | |
2. | verfilmt | 2. | filmed; made a film/movie | |
3. | Ihr zweiter Roman wurde 2010 verfilmt. | 3. | Her second novel was filmed in 2010. | |
4. | Dieses Bühnenmusical wurde mehrfach verfilmt. | 4. | Several films were made of this stage musical. | |
Filmgeschäft {n}; Filmbranche {f}; Filmwirtschaft {f}; Filmindustrie {f} | film business; movie business [Am.]; film industry; movie industry [Am.] film sector; movie sector [Am.] | |||
Beispiele | Beispiele | |||
Filmschminke {f} | movie make-up; film make-up <movie makeup> <movie make up> <film makeup> <film make up> | |||
Beispiele | Beispiele | |||
Pornofilm {m} | porn film [Br.]; porn movie [Am.]; adult film/movie; blue film/movie; skin flick | |||
Beispiele | Beispiele | |||
1. | Pornofilme {pl} | 1. | porn films; porn movies; adult films/movies; blue films/movies; skin flicks | |
Spielfilmserie {f}; Filmserie {f}; Film-Mehrteiler {m} | feature film serial; film serial; movie serial; feature film series; movie series | |||
Beispiele | Beispiele | |||
1. | Spielfilmserien {pl}; Filmserien {pl}; Film-Mehrteiler {pl} | 1. | feature film serials; film serials; movie serials | |
Dreharbeiten {pl}; Dreh {m} (Film, Video) | shoot; shooting; making of a/the film/video | |||
Beispiele | Beispiele | |||
1. | Filmdreharbeiten {pl}; Filmdreh {m} | 1. | filming; film shoot; film shooting; movie shoot [Am.]; movie shooting [Am.] | |
2. | Videodreharbeiten {pl}; Videodreh {m} | 2. | video shoot; video shooting | |
3. | Nachdreharbeiten {pl}; Nachdreh {m} | 3. | reshooting; reshoot | |
4. | Beginn der Dreharbeiten (zu einem Film) | 4. | start of principal photography (on a film) | |