![]() | ![]() | |||
Bruchstück {n}; Stück {n} | piece | |||
Beispiele | Beispiele | |||
1. | Bruchstücke {pl}; Stücke {pl} | 1. | pieces | |
Stück {n} /Stk./ | piece /pc./ | |||
Beispiele | Beispiele | |||
1. | Stücke {pl} | 1. | pieces /pcs./ | |
2. | ein Stück … | 2. | a piece of … | |
3. | Randstück {n} | 3. | corner piece | |
4. | im Stück; am Stück; aus einem Stück | 4. | in one piece | |
5. | Stück für Stück | 5. | piece by piece | |
6. | in lauter Stücke | 6. | all to pieces | |
7. | Das Baby schlief 12 Stunden am Stück. | 7. | The baby slept 12 hours solid. | |
8. | Wir haben 2 Stunden am Stück telefoniert. | 8. | We talked for 2 hours straight on the phone. | |
eine Figur schlagen {vt} (Schach) | to capture a piece; to take a piece (chess) | |||
Beispiele | Beispiele | |||
1. | eine Figur schlagend | 1. | capturing a piece; taking a piece | |
2. | eine Figur geschlagen | 2. | captured a piece; taken a piece | |
Gipskartonplatte {f}; GK-Bauplatte {f}; Rigipsplatte {f}; Gipsplatte {f} [constr.] | sheet/piece of plasterboard; plasterboard panel; sheet/piece of gypsum board; gypsum board panel; piece/sheet of drywall [Am.]; drywall panel [Am.]; piece of sheetrock [Am.]; sheetrock panel [Am.]; sheet/piece of gyprock [Austr.]; gyprock panel [Austr.] | |||
Beispiele | Beispiele | |||
1. | Gipskartonplatten {pl}; GK-Bauplatten {pl}; Rigipsplatten {pl}; Gipsplatten {pl} | 1. | sheets/pieces of plasterboard; plasterboard panels; sheets/pieces of gypsum board; gypsum board panels; pieces/sheets of drywall; drywall panels; pieces of sheetrock; sheetrock panels; sheets/pieces of gyprock; gyprock panels | |
zurechtschneiden {vt} | to cut to shape; to cut a piece to size; to trim; to cut; to trim to fit | |||
Beispiele | Beispiele | |||
1. | zurechtschneidend | 1. | cutting to shape; cutting a piece to size; trimming; cutting; trimming to fit | |
2. | zurechtgeschnitten | 2. | cut to shape; cut a piece to size; trimmed; cut; trimmed to fit | |
3. | schneidet zurecht | 3. | cuts to shape; cuts a piece to size; trims; cuts; trims to fit | |
4. | schnitt zurecht | 4. | cut to shape; cut a piece to size; trimmed; cut; trimmed to fit | |
Standardsituation {f}; Standard {m} (Ballsport) [sport] | set play situation; set play; set-piece situation [Br.]; set piece [Br.] (ball sports) | |||
Beispiele | Beispiele | |||
1. | Standardsituationen {pl}; Standards {pl} | 1. | set play situations; set plays; set-piece situations; set pieces | |
2. | aus einer Standardsituation (heraus) ein Tor erzielen | 2. | to score from a set piece | |
Verbindungsstück {n}; Stutzen {m} | connecting piece; connection piece | |||
Beispiele | Beispiele | |||
1. | Verbindungsstücke {pl}; Stutzen {pl} | 1. | connecting pieces; connection pieces | |
2. | flexibler Stutzen | 2. | flexible connecting piece | |
3. | gegossenes Verbindungsstück | 3. | cast connection piece | |
stückweise; stückchenweise {adv}; Stück für Stück | piece by piece; by the piece; piecemeal; by the job (on piece-work basis) | |||
Beispiele | Beispiele | |||
verrückte Aktion {f}; Verrücktheit {f} | piece of folly; piece of madness; piece of insanity; piece of lunacy | |||
Beispiele | Beispiele | |||
Ausgleichsstück {n} [techn.] | balancing piece; compensating piece; leveling piece | |||
Beispiele | Beispiele | |||
1. | Ausgleichsstücke {pl} | 1. | balancing pieces; compensating pieces; leveling pieces | |