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Schule {f} [school] | school | |||
Beispiele | Beispiele | |||
1. | Schulen {pl} | 1. | schools | |
2. | Einklassenschule {f}; Zwergschule {f} [pej.]; Gesamtschule {f} [Schw.] | 2. | one-room school; village school | |
3. | Eliteschule {f} | 3. | elite school | |
4. | in die Schule gehen; zur Schule gehen [Dt.] | 4. | to go to school | |
5. | eine Schule besuchen | 5. | to attend a school | |
6. | monoedukative Schule | 6. | single-sex school | |
7. | Schule für Sehgeschädigte | 7. | school for the visually impaired | |
8. | Schule für Hörgeschädigte | 8. | school for the hearing impaired | |
9. | Schule für Geistigbehinderte | 9. | school for the mentally handicapped | |
10. | Schule für Körperbehinderte | 10. | school for the physically disabled | |
11. | Ich gehe in die/zur Schule. | 11. | I go to school. | |
12. | Ich werde mein Kind von der Schule nehmen. | 12. | I'll take my child out of school. | |
der Unterricht; die Schule [ugs.] (als zeitlicher Ablauf) [school] | school (period of time spent at school) | |||
Beispiele | Beispiele | |||
1. | zu spät zum Unterricht kommen | 1. | to be late for school | |
2. | Der Unterricht / Die Schule beginnt um 8 Uhr. | 2. | School starts at 8 a.m. | |
3. | Das Läuten zeigte das Ende des Unterrichts an. | 3. | The bell ring signalled the end of school. | |
4. | Du hast drei Tage hintereinander den Unterricht versäumt. | 4. | You missed school for three consecutive days / three days in a row. | |
5. | Treffen wir uns nach der Schule. | 5. | Let's meet after school. | |
Schulgebäude {n} [school] | school; school building | |||
Beispiele | Beispiele | |||
Universität {f}; Uni {f} [ugs.]; Hochschule {f}; Hochschuleinrichtung {f} [stud.] | university; uni [Br.] [Austr.] [coll.]; higher education institute /HEI/ [Br.]; college [Am.] (university offering a limited curriculum); school [Am.] [coll.]; varsity [Br.] [NZ] [dated] | |||
Beispiele | Beispiele | |||
1. | Universitäten {pl}; Unis {pl}; Hochschulen {pl}; Hochschuleinrichtungen {pl} | 1. | universities; unis; higher education institutes; colleges; schools; varsities | |
2. | Pädagogische Hochschule /PH/ | 2. | university of education | |
3. | Technische Hochschule /TH/; Technische Universität /TU/; Technik [Ös.] [ugs.] | 3. | University of Technology; Technical university | |
4. | Technische Universität /TU/ | 4. | University of Technology | |
5. | Universität für Bodenkultur Wien /BOKU/ | 5. | University of Natural Ressources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna | |
6. | nach der Uni | 6. | after uni [Br.] | |
7. | (an der Universität) studieren; auf die Uni gehen; die Universität besuchen | 7. | to attend university | |
8. | Er ist gerade an der Uni. | 8. | He is away at school. [Am.] | |
Schuljahr {n} [school] | school year; school session; school term; academic year [Am.] | |||
Beispiele | Beispiele | |||
1. | Schuljahre {pl} | 1. | school years; school sessions; school terms; academic years | |
etw. schwänzen; spritzen [Ös.] {vt} (Schulstunde, Vorlesung usw.) [school] [stud.] | to truant from sth. [Br.]; to play truant from sth. [Br.]; to bunk off <> sth. [Br.]; to skive sth. [Br.]; to skip sth. [Am.] (class, lecture etc.) | |||
Beispiele | Beispiele | |||
1. | schwänzend; spritzend | 1. | truanting; playing truant; bunking off; skiving; skipping | |
2. | geschwänzt; gespritzt | 2. | truanted; played truant; bunked off; skived; skipped | |
3. | Schule schwänzen; Schule stageln [Wien] | 3. | to skive off school [Br.]; to bunk off school [Br.]; to skip school/classes [Am.]; to cut school/classes [Am.]; to wagg/skip classes/school [Austr.]; to play hookey/hooky from school [Am.] [dated] | |
Abiturient {m} [Dt.]; Maturant {m} [Ös.]; Maturand {m} [Schw.] (Schulabsolvent) [school] | secondary school leaver (with the school leaving exam) [Br.]; high-school graduate [Am.] | |||
Beispiele | Beispiele | |||
1. | Abiturienten {pl}; Maturanten {pl}; Maturanden {pl} | 1. | secondary school leavers; high-school graduates | |
Schulhausmeister {m}; Schulwart {m} [Ös.]; Schulabwart {m} [Schw.]; Schulhausabwart {m} [Schw.] | school caretaker [Br.]; school janitor [Sc.] [Am.]; school custodian [Am.] | |||
Beispiele | Beispiele | |||
1. | Schulhausmeister {pl}; Schulwarte {pl}; Schulabwarte {pl}; Schulhausabwarte {pl} | 1. | school caretakers; school janitors; school custodians | |
Grundschule {f} [Dt.] [Südtirol]; Klippschule {f} [Nordostdt.]; Elementarschule {f} [hist.]; Volksschule {f} [Ös.]; Primarschule {f} [Schw.]; Primärschule {f} [Lux.] [school] | primary school [Br.]; elementary school [Am.]; grammar school [Am.]; grade school [Am.] | |||
Beispiele | Beispiele | |||
1. | Grundschulen {pl}; Klippschulen {pl}; Elementarschulen {pl}; Volksschulen {pl}; Primarschulen {pl}; Primärschulen {pl} | 1. | primary schools; elementary schools; grammar schools; grade schools | |
Grundschulklasse {f} [school] | primary school class [Br.]; elementary school class [Am.] | |||
Beispiele | Beispiele | |||
1. | Grundschulklassen {pl} | 1. | primary school classes; elementary school classes | |